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How to Marketing and Acquiring Customers on Instagram

With a statistic of around 800 million monthly active users, Instagram is the perfect place for you to market your skills because you never know who you might be able to connect with through Instagram. But how do you market your skills on Instagram?

For many, Instagram is a photo social networking platform for people to upload photos of their cafe hopping, travel adventures or everyday #OOTD. However, Instagram can also serve as a platform for you to market your professional skills. With a statistic of around 800 million monthly active users, Instagram is the perfect place to sell your skills because you never know who you might be able to connect with via Instagram. But how do you market your skills on Instagram?

1. Use Instagram as your profile

How to Marketing and Acquiring Customers on Instagram

As a photo and video sharing platform, Instagram can be a platform for those in the media industry to showcase their portfolios. From graphic designers, photographers, actors, visual art designers to writers, your Instagram account can be an extension of your portfolio. Other than that, the best thing about Instagram is that it is more interactive and engaging than a normal online portfolio. You can comment on the work of others in the same field and vice versa, allowing you to build relationships and connections with people in the same industry.

2. Integrate your social profiles

To help people find your work-related matters on social media, it’s a good idea to standardize your approach across Facebook , Instagram, Twitter , and other social media platforms. Not only does this reflect your consistency and organization, it also helps you develop your own personal brand! Plus, people can easily find and connect with you in search results. This is especially important for freelancers who need to publish their names.

3. Use topical hashtags, but don’t overdo it

Instagram hashtags are useful…until you overuse them. The reason why you should add hashtags to your posts is simple. You want to reach a wider audience, connect with others who have similar interests or work in a similar field, and market your expertise from there. But don’t abuse these hashtags, as it might make you look like a novice social media user, or worse, distract users from the main post. Use 3-4 short hashtags to be safe.

4. Quality content, not quantity

We all have that Instagram friend who we follow too many posts in a single day. Don’t spam your followers’ feeds with too many posts, lest they think you’re annoying. Remember, less is more. By posting 1-2 photos a day on Instagram, it also reflects that you are meticulous, thoughtful, and that you think through every step of the way – something most employers are looking for. Posting too many photos will just make you appear impulsive and rushed, traits you shouldn’t be too proud of, especially if you’re trying to look professional.

5. Be the real you

The last thing you want to avoid is becoming a cookie-cutter Instagram user. You want to try to make your Instagram posts authentic. You can write about the challenges you face in your daily life, describing your setbacks and how you overcame them. This will let other professionals know that you are capable of solving life’s difficulties and take pride in embracing them!

6. Unique content for you, allowing users to create associative brain circuits

In addition to being authentic and authentic, you may want to include a unique bio to captivate your audience. It might be a liner or two, describing to other people what makes you unique. By writing a personalized bio, you’ll appear personable and approachable, which can also help you build relationships with other Instagram users.

7. You are who you follow 

Don’t underestimate the number and type of people you follow. The users you follow can be a fairly accurate reflection of your own personality and character. Follow people who share your interests or interests. Here are a few more inspiring Instagram accounts you can follow today to get started.

Not many people know this, but Instagram is not just a personal photo/video platform. As a service used by millions of people around the world, it can also be a place for you to market your professional skills and connect with other professionals in similar job industries. Step up your Instagram game with our tips above!    

Don’t have an Instagram account yet?

If you find it troublesome to register an Instagram account, or you need a large number of Instagram accounts, it is recommended to buy: Instagram Stable White Account .

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