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Delete Google Voice Number: Your Simple Guide to Removing Your Voice Number

To delete your google voice number, go to the google voice website or app settings and select the option to delete your number. Once you confirm, your number will be permanently removed.

Are you looking to delete your google voice number? Whether it’s because you no longer need it or want to start fresh, deleting your google voice number is a simple process. In this article, we will guide you through the necessary steps to delete your google voice number and ensure it is permanently removed from your account.

With this information, you can take control of your google voice settings and manage your phone numbers effectively. So, let’s dive in and learn how to delete a google voice number.

Delete Google Voice Number: Your Simple Guide to Removing Your Voice Number


Why Delete Your Google Voice Number?

Deleting your google voice number might seem like a drastic step, but there are plenty of good reasons why you might consider doing so. From enhancing your privacy and security to addressing unwanted calls and messages, deleting your google voice number can bring a range of benefits.

Benefits Of Deleting Your Google Voice Number:

  • Enhancing privacy and security:
  • Deleting your google voice number can help protect your personal information from being accessed by unauthorized parties.
  • By removing your number, you reduce the risk of potential data breaches and identity theft.
  • It gives you better control over who has access to your contact information.
  • Addressing unwanted calls and messages:
  • If you’ve been receiving unwanted calls or messages, deleting your google voice number can be an effective solution.
  • It allows you to sever ties with any contacts or services causing nuisance or harassment.
  • You can start with a fresh number, ensuring that only the people you choose have access to it.
  • Managing your online presence:
  • Deleting your google voice number can help you take control of your online identity.
  • It allows you to manage your online presence by deciding which phone numbers are associated with your accounts.
  • You can remove any outdated or unused numbers, ensuring a more accurate representation of your contact information.

Deleting your google voice number provides numerous advantages, such as enhancing your privacy and security, addressing unwanted calls and messages, and managing your online presence. Consider these benefits carefully to determine whether deleting your google voice number is the right choice for you.

How To Delete Your Google Voice Number

Step 1: Accessing Google Voice Settings

To delete your google voice number, you’ll need to access the google voice settings. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Navigate to the google voice website.
  • Sign in to your google account.

Step 2: Finding The Settings Menu

Once you’re signed in, it’s time to find the settings menu. Follow these steps:

  • Locate the settings icon, usually represented by a gear or cogwheel.
  • Click on the settings icon to open the drop-down menu.
  • Select “legacy google voice” from the options.

Step 3: Deleting Your Google Voice Number

Now that you’re in the legacy google voice settings, it’s time to delete your number. Here’s what you should do:

  • Click on the “phones” tab, which will open a list of all the phone numbers associated with your google voice account.
  • Locate the phone number you want to delete.
  • Choose the “delete” option next to your number.

Step 4: Confirming The Deletion

Before the deletion is finalized, you’ll need to confirm it. Follow these steps:

  • Read the warning message that appears on your screen, as it will provide important information about what will happen when you delete your number.
  • If you’re sure you want to proceed, click on “delete” again to confirm the deletion.

Step 5: Finalizing The Deletion Process

Almost done! You just need to go through the final steps to fully delete your google voice number. Here’s what you should do:

  • Verify your account password when prompted. This step ensures that only you can delete your number.
  • Accept the terms and conditions that may be presented to you during the deletion process.
  • Make sure to carefully read and understand the terms before proceeding.

That’s it! You have successfully deleted your google voice number. Remember, deleting your google voice number is permanent, so make sure you no longer need it before going through these steps.

What Happens After Deleting Your Google Voice Number?

If you’ve decided to delete your google voice number, you may be wondering what happens next. Deleting your google voice number involves more than just removing it from your account. In this section, we’ll explore the various aspects of what happens after you delete your google voice number.

Data And Account Retention:

  • Your account and data will still be accessible even after you delete your google voice number.
  • This means that you can still access your call history, voicemails, messages, and recordings.

Clearing Call History And Voicemails:

  • Deleting your google voice number does not automatically clear your call history or voicemails.
  • You will need to manually delete them if you wish to remove them from your account.

Deleting Messages And Recordings:

  • Similarly, deleting your google voice number does not delete your messages or recordings.
  • You will need to delete them individually if you no longer want them to be stored in your account.

Impact On Linked Services:

  • If you have linked your google voice number to any other services, such as forwarding to another phone number or third-party apps, those links will be impacted.
  • You may need to update or disconnect these linked services to avoid any issues.

Deactivating Forwarding To Linked Phone Numbers:

  • If you have set up call forwarding to other phone numbers, deleting your google voice number will also deactivate these forwarding settings.
  • You will need to set up new forwarding options if desired.

Disconnecting Google Voice From Third-Party Apps:

  • Deleting your google voice number may require you to disconnect and remove any integrations with third-party apps.
  • This helps ensure that your google voice number is no longer associated with these apps.

Switching To A New Google Voice Number:

  • If you want to continue using google voice, you can choose to switch to a new google voice number.
  • This allows you to maintain the benefits and features of google voice.

Setting Up A New Number If Desired:

  • Alternatively, if you do not wish to continue using google voice, you have the option to set up a new number through a different service.

Transferring Contacts And Settings:

  • If you switch to a new google voice number, you can transfer your contacts and settings to the new number.
  • This ensures a seamless transition without the need to manually recreate everything.

Deleting your google voice number doesn’t mean you lose access to your account or data. However, it does require some additional steps to manage your call history, messages, and recordings. Whether you choose to switch to a new google voice number or explore other options, understanding what happens after deleting your google voice number can help you make informed decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Deleting A Google Voice Number Reversible?

  • No, once a google voice number is deleted, it cannot be reversed or recovered. Deleting a google voice number is permanent, so it’s crucial to carefully consider the decision before proceeding.
  • There is no option to reactivate or retrieve a deleted google voice number, so make sure to backup any important information associated with it before deleting.

Can I Recover My Deleted Google Voice Number?

  • No, once a google voice number is deleted, it is not possible to recover it. Google does not provide any means to restore or retrieve a deleted google voice number.
  • It is recommended to carefully evaluate the need to delete the number and consider alternative options before taking this irreversible step.

Will deleting my google voice number also delete my google account?

  • No, deleting a google voice number does not delete the entire google account. Google voice is just one service within the google ecosystem, and deleting the number will only affect the google voice functionality associated with that number.
  • Other google services, such as gmail, google drive, google photos, etc., will remain unaffected by the deletion of a google voice number. However, it’s essential to note that deleting a google voice number may impact the integration of that number with other google services.

Remember, before deleting a google voice number, it’s crucial to back up any essential information associated with it, as deletion is permanent and irreversible.

Frequently Asked Questions For Delete Google Voice Number

How Do I Delete My Google Voice Number?

To delete your google voice number, go to the google voice settings, click on “account” tab, and click on “view” under the “phone numbers” section. Then, click on “delete” next to the number you want to remove. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

Can I Get My Google Voice Number Back After Deleting It?

No, once you delete your google voice number, it cannot be recovered. Make sure you are certain about deleting it before proceeding with the deletion process.

Will Deleting My Google Voice Number Affect My Other Google Services?

No, deleting your google voice number will not affect any other google services such as gmail or google drive. Your google voice number is separate from your other google accounts.

Can I Transfer My Google Voice Number To Another Account?

Yes, you can transfer your google voice number to another google account. To do this, log in to your google voice account, go to the settings, click on “account” tab, and find the “transfer” option under the “phone numbers” section.

Follow the instructions to complete the transfer process.

What Happens To My Voicemail And Call History If I Delete My Google Voice Number?

If you delete your google voice number, your voicemail and call history associated with that number will be permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved. Make sure you backup any important voicemail or call history before deleting your number.


Deleting your google voice number can be a wise decision in certain situations. Whether you no longer have a need for it, or you simply want to start fresh, deleting your google voice number can help declutter your digital presence.

By removing your number, you can mitigate the risk of unwanted calls or messages and maintain a sense of privacy. With the step-by-step guide provided in this blog post, you now have the knowledge and tools to delete your google voice number effortlessly.

Remember to back up any important data associated with your number before proceeding. Don’t let an inactive or unnecessary google voice number clutter your virtual life—take control and delete it today. Protect your privacy and enjoy a streamlined online experience by tidying up your google voice account.

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