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How to Permanently Delete Textnow Account: Step-by-Step Guide

To delete texnow, open the app, go to settings, select account, and choose delete account. It’s that simple!

Textnow is a popular virtual phone service that provides users with an alternative to traditional phone plans. However, there are times when you may need to delete the app, perhaps because you are no longer using it or are having issues with it.

In this article, we will guide you on how to delete textnow easily and quickly. We will also provide you with some crucial information on what deleting the textnow app entails and the steps to follow to safeguard your data. Let’s get started!

How to Permanently Delete Textnow Account: Step-by-Step Guide


Step 1: Back Up Your Data

Importance Of Backing Up Data Before Deleting Account

Before you delete your textnow account, it is essential to create a backup of all the information stored on it. Backing up your data is important as it ensures that you do not lose crucial information during the deletion process.

Here are some reasons why backing up data is so crucial:

  • Reduces the risk of data loss: When you back up your data, you can access it later if you need it. This ensures that you do not lose important information during the deletion process.
  • Helps to restore data: Backing up your data ensures that you can restore it later, in case you change your mind and decide to keep the textnow account.
  • Saves time: Backing up your data saves you time, as you do not need to start from scratch if you decide to use textnow again in the future.

Step-By-Step Guide Of How To Back Up Data On Textnow

To create a backup of your textnow data before deleting your account, follow these simple steps:

  • Open the textnow app on your device.
  • Click on the “settings” option in the app.
  • Select “account settings”.
  • Click on “download my data”.
  • Follow the instructions given by textnow to download your data.
  • Once the download is complete, your data will be saved to your device.
  • Make sure to store the downloaded data in a secure location, such as an external hard drive or a cloud storage service.

By following these steps, you can create a backup of your textnow data and avoid losing any important information during the account deletion process.

Step 2: Cancel Any Subscriptions

Deleting an account can be a tedious task, especially when it requires multiple steps. With textnow, canceling subscriptions before deleting an account is essential to avoid incurring unnecessary charges. In this section, we’ll guide you through step two of deleting your textnow account – canceling any subscriptions.

Explanation Of Why It’S Important To Cancel Subscriptions Before Deleting Account

Canceling your subscription makes sure that you do not incur any future charges once you delete your account. It’s a good idea to review your textnow subscription status before just deleting your account. Otherwise, you may lose any unused balance and encounter difficulty doing so.

Moreover, canceling your subscription in advance allows you to use any remaining data before your subscription expires.

Step-By-Step Guide For How To Cancel Subscriptions On Textnow

To cancel your subscription, follow these simple steps:

  • Open the textnow app on your mobile device.
  • Tap on “my account,” located at the top left corner of the screen.
  • Select “subscriptions” and choose the option that you want to manage.
  • Tap on “manage subscription” and “cancel subscription.”
  • Finally, confirm the cancellation.

And that’s it! Cancelling your subscription will ensure that you do not incur any further charges. Remember, textnow allows you to use any remaining subscription data before its expiration date, so be sure to use it up before you delete your account.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to deleting your textnow account with ease. Though it may seem like a hassle, it’s always best to cancel subscriptions beforehand to avoid any charges.

Step 3: Delete Your Textnow Account

Deleting an app or account is sometimes a necessary step to declutter and manage our digital lives. If you are considering deleting your textnow account, you might need some guidance on how to do it correctly. Here we provide a detailed guide on how to delete your textnow account permanently.

Detailed Guide Of How To Permanently Delete A Textnow Account:

Below are the steps to delete a textnow account permanently:

  • Open a web browser and go to the textnow website.
  • Log in to your account using your textnow credentials.
  • Click on the “settings” icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
  • In the drop-down menu, select “account”.
  • Select the “delete account” button at the bottom of the page.
  • Enter your account password in the text field when prompted.
  • Choose a reason for deleting your account from the list of options provided.
  • Provide additional feedback (optional).
  • Click the “delete account” button to finalize the process.
  • Your textnow account, information, and messages will be permanently deleted.

Tips For Troubleshooting Common Issues During The Account Deletion Process:

Deleting a textnow account is generally a straightforward process. However, sometimes you might run into problems with the account deletion process. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot common problems:

  • Ensure that you are connected to a stable internet connection.
  • Ensure that you have your textnow login credentials handy.
  • Clear your browser cookies and cache and try again.
  • If the “delete account” button is not working, try refreshing the page or using a different web browser.
  • If you encounter any errors while deleting your account, contact textnow’s customer support team for assistance.

Deleting a textnow account can be a quick and painless process if you know the steps to follow. Using the above guide and tips, you can easily delete your textnow account — decluttering your digital space and removing any worries or concerns about your account’s security and privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers To Common Questions About Deleting A Textnow Account

If you’re considering deleting your textnow account, you may have some questions about how it will affect your messages and whether you’ll be able to recover your account in the future. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about deleting a textnow account:

Can I Recover My Account After I Delete It?

No, once you delete your textnow account, you will not be able to recover it. This means that all your contacts, messages, and other data associated with your account will be permanently deleted. Therefore, make sure that you have made the right decision before deleting your account.

Will Deleting My Textnow Account Delete My Messages?

Yes, deleting your textnow account will delete all your messages, contacts, and other data associated with your account. Therefore, it’s important to download or save any important messages or data before deleting your account.

How Do I Delete My Textnow Account?

To delete your textnow account, follow these steps:

  • Open the textnow app on your device
  • Tap on the ‘⚙️’ icon to open the app settings
  • Select ‘account’ from the settings menu
  • Scroll down and tap on ‘delete account’
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the deletion of your account

Can I Delete My Textnow Account From The Website?

Yes, you can also delete your textnow account from the website. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Go to the textnow website and log in to your account
  • Click on your profile icon to open the drop-down menu
  • Select ‘settings’ from the drop-down menu
  • Scroll down and click on ‘delete account’
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the deletion of your account

What Happens To My Phone Number When I Delete My Textnow Account?

When you delete your textnow account, your associated phone number will also be deleted. This means that you will no longer be able to use the number for calling or receiving messages.

Can I Create A New Textnow Account With The Same Phone Number?

No, you cannot create a new textnow account with the same phone number that was associated with your previously deleted account. You also cannot use the same email address that was associated with your previous account.

What If I Change My Mind After Deleting My Textnow Account?

Unfortunately, once you have deleted your textnow account, you cannot recover it. Therefore, make sure that you are certain about your decision to delete your account before proceeding.

Will My Textnow Account Be Deleted Automatically If I Stop Using It?

No, your textnow account will not be deleted automatically if you stop using it. You need to manually delete your account by following the steps mentioned above.

Can I Delete My Textnow Account Without Logging In?

No, you cannot delete your textnow account without logging in first. Therefore, make sure that you have access to your account before attempting to delete it.

Is There A Waiting Period Before My Textnow Account Is Permanently Deleted?

No, there is no waiting period before your textnow account is permanently deleted. Once you confirm the deletion of your account, all associated data will be permanently removed from the textnow system.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Delete Textnow

How Do I Delete My Textnow Account?

To delete your textnow account, log in to the account, navigate to `settings` > `account` > `delete account` and follow the prompts.

What Happens If I Delete My Textnow Account?

Deleting your textnow account permanently removes all messages, contacts, and account information.

Can I Reactivate A Deleted Textnow Account?

No, once you delete your textnow account, you cannot reactivate it. You will need to create a new account if you wish to continue using textnow.

How Do I Delete A Phone Number From Textnow?

To delete a phone number from textnow, log into your account, navigate to `settings` > `phone numbers` and click the trash can icon next to the phone number you want to delete.

What Should I Do If I Can’T Delete My Textnow Account?

If you are unable to delete your textnow account, contact textnow customer support for assistance.


Deleting textnow from your phone is simple and easy if you follow the proper steps. Keep in mind that removing the app may delete all the data associated with it, so it’s important to back up any important information before proceeding.

With numerous advantages like privacy, cost efficiency, and convenience, textnow can be a great application, but you may still need to get rid of it for various reasons. By following the instructions in this guide, you should be able to delete textnow without much trouble.

With all that said, we hope that this guide will help you solve any issues you may have with removing textnow from your device and that you feel more confident in doing so. We wish you all the love and best of luck!

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